I photographed this in Port Huron, MI on its way to its new home. It’s an Oshkosh H-Series Snow Blower.
According to the Oshkosh website, this little puppy will clear 5000 tons of snow an hour and toss it 200 feet while it’s at it,
If my rough calculations are right, it’ll clear the average driveway in about 3.7 seconds and bury your most favorite neighbor before they know what hit them. It’ll be spring before you hear from them again.
If your aim is good, you can also take care of those pesky neighborhood kids who think you don’t know that it’s them lobbing snowballs at your car.
I’m thinking that if you leave your car in the driveway, this little dream machine (at least for those in the Snow Belt) will probably move that as well. It might be kind of hard to explain that to the insurance company…
There’s nothing on the list price or any holiday sales on the website, but it’s probably safe to say that if you have to ask, you can’t afford it! I’ve got to guess that the mileage is pretty bad – but if you can afford the H-Series, a couple of gallons to the mile isn’t a problem.
But one can dream about that optional 700 hp blower motor…