Something you probably didn’t know about 9-volt batteries…

For those of you that didn’t know this, The Frog’s day job is in environmental, health and safety “stuff”.  Sometimes, the worlds of EHS and photography cross paths.  Like now.  Who knew?  The scary part is who knows when they may cross again…

Almost everyone has 9-volt batteries somewhere in their lives.  Most likely, they’re in a fire/smoke/CO detector.  (The irony of that will become evident in the video link below.)

Have you ever sat there and looked at the terminals of a 9-volt battery and wondered what would happen if they were unintentionally connected?  I have to admit that I did, but never dwelled on it.  Now that I’ve confessed, it should make it easier for those of you who have done the same thing to come clean.

Here’s a 5:30 video that might surprise you.  It did make an impact on The Frog.

Please share this with family and friends as you see fit.  A few seconds and one extra step can indeed make a difference.