Rock Art Canyon is located on Rock Art Ranch in St. Joseph, AZ. The Canyon is home to a large collection of petroglyphs dating back thousands of years.
It’s an incredible place, and if you find yourself on I-40 heading through northern Arizona, it should be on your bucket list.
Rock Art Ranch is between the Petrified Forest / Painted Desert and Standin’ on the Corner, La Posada and the Turquoise Room in Winslow. It’s about 3 hours from the Grand Canyon, and and 2 hours from Flagstaff. I had read about it some time ago, and researched it before a trip to Winslow.

Petroglyphs are fascinating because we all see something different in them, and we can only guess as to what the creator was trying to convey.
Some are kind of obvious, and some aren’t. At least to me, anyway…
You could have an interesting party with a few friends and your beverage of choice as you sat around looking at these and contemplating their meaning.
You can also spend some time contemplating their purpose. Was it to tell of current news? Past events? Family history? Was it the graffiti of the time?
The ranch is operated by the Baird Family. Tours are available and must be scheduled in advance by calling ahead. There’s a fee, and it’s worth every penny. And then, there’s Mr. Baird himself!
You can learn more about Rock Art Ranch from Trip Advisor and Arizona Central.
As these images were made on private land, they are not available for sale. They are posted in the Rock Art Canyon Gallery for your education and enjoyment.
I’ll be adding more to this gallery over time – I made several hundred images, and it’s going to take a while to get through them all!