Well, here we are in the midst of the 2016 holiday season.
I didn’t accomplish what I set out to do on this blog or at Laughing Frog Images this year. The “day job” was simply too busy, and it was hard to find a couple of hours a week when I wasn’t working or commuting to spend time on images and writing.
On the other hand, as I sit here today, I’m thankful and humbled.
I just looked at the only demographics I can find for Laughing Frog Images, and that tells me that people like and follow the Frog in seventeen (17) different countries in seven (7) different languages. I can’t tell how many other countries would be counted if I could tell who has viewed the Laughing Frog on our website, Google + page, Facebook page and our fairly new Instagram page. Hence, I’m humbled that these words and images touch so many people in so many places. I hope you enjoy the images and the little photography lessons that pop up along the way.
I know that a simple “Merry Christmas” doesn’t properly cover my holiday wishes for all. The challenge and problem that I have beyond that is I simply don’t know how to properly convey my holiday wishes and greetings to all of you and yours out there somewhere on the internet (and I’m not going to embarrass myself trying!).
When you read or watch the news these days, it certainly does seem that we could all use a little more peace – whether that’s personal, familial, political or otherwise, it just seems that the world could use a little more peace (in the broadest sense of the word).
So, my peace to you and yours. May you pass your peace on to others this holiday season.
Every year for the past 25-plus years, I’ve done a Christmas card with a train picture. This is I believe the first year I’ve posted it for all of you.
![Guilford Rail System (Maine Central) train SDPO is heading west through Danville Junction, ME. The train originated at the S. D. Warren paper mill in Hinckley, ME and is headed to Rigby Yard in Portland, ME. It's February of 1994. GP-9 51 is the youngster here at 37 years old, while GP-7 10 is a proud 41!](https://i0.wp.com/blog.laughingfrogimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/GTI-51-10-SDPO-@-Danville-Jct-copy-copy-640.jpg?resize=640%2C426)
If you are so inclined, please take a minute to comment on the post and share with us your “local” holiday greeting wherever this finds you.